The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) was formed in 1932 as an organization within The American Legion. It is comprised of men or boys of all ages whose parents or grandparents served in the United States military and were eligible for membership in The American Legion.
The SAL assist legionnaires with the Legion Family programs. One of the programs, The Ten Ideals, teaches elements of patriotism, health, knowledge, training, honor, faith, helpfulness, courtesy, reverence, and comradeship. If a member completes The Ten Ideals program, he is eligible to continue in The Five-Point Program of Service, which covers patriotism, citizenship, discipline, leadership, and legionnism.
The SAL also assist legionnaires in Veterans programs, visiting Veterans homes, volunteering in Veterans hospitals, children’s youth projects, and fundraising.
The SAL supports and sponsors the Citizens Flag Alliance, a coalition formed to secure flag protection legislation through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Sons of the American Legion at Post 452 was formed in 1990 and currently run the Friday night wooden bat softball league.